... said Ben today. Let me explain the context. I was helping Ben with his homework by showing him a few rudimentals of Excel. He then said "I think I might take over Dad's job when I'm older. It's a really cool job" (A year ago, Mr Humdrum and his friend set up an architectural technical firm.) I felt really pleased that he'd said this, and asked Ben to repeat it to his dad when we were in the car a bit later on, going to football. So he did. When pushed for more information, here were the four reasons why Ben wants to follow in his father's footsteps: He doesn't get bossed around by anyone. He can go and have a poo if he's feeling bored with his job. He can have snacks whenever he likes. He can play hide-and-seek with the other two there for fun. And that, ladies and gentleman, is why he thinks it's a really cool job.