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Showing posts from February, 2015

Half-term Day 5 - Back to the Old Routine

U Football again today. After a lazy start (a longer lie in was due after our Youtubing and TOTPing musical eduction last night), I dropped him off, not on the bike for I am bringing two other children home later. I went for a run, but struggled today. I only achieved 2/3 of the run, but hey. At least I did it. Then it was off to discuss options for a new car! It seems that, a test run notwithstanding, I will be getting a new bucket of new bolts very soon! Exciting times. When I picked up Ben from football, his coach said he'd been fine today. When asked why, Ben said "Because I wanted to be good." I explained that he'd dropped himself in it now, as I know he can be! How many extra marbles shall I give him today? Three? He's currently out on the common playing football with R and S. As if he hasn't done enough today... Off out for dinner tonight. Glynn's treat, to make up for having to work all week. Last day of the holiday. MONEY £10 for football ...

Half-term Day 4 - Party Time

A break from the team training today, as Ben was invited to a party by Charlie Up The Road. He came round to play in the morning, they invented two ball games for the alley, one of which was called Curly Wurly (I forget the other name, probably Kit Kat). Charlie's party was at Bowlplex, Ben should've been an expert as he'd been to Harry's party there a few weeks ago. He was the oldest there (Charlie is a year younger) and because he wasn't winning, he got into a right strop! I moved away from him to have a cup of tea in peace for 10 minutes; either that, or he was at risk of being bowled himself down the alley. When things were going his way, he was, funnily enough, in a much better mood. He did come second in the end, which satisfied him. On the car journey home, he dropped his iced cake and made a mess on the floor the car. Never mind, I'm getting a new one very soon. MONEY Not included was the £4 parking and present money; £2 for a cup of tea in Bowlplex....

Half-term Day 3 - Indulgence

Ben went to football today with his friend from up the road. He opted for a packed lunch today which, at £2.50, isn't too bad especially as he told me ate 5 pieces of pizza and 5 burgers! I cycled again today, and down to Southsea again, but by a different route. At home after football, we did some more Skylanders drawing. When I say drawing, I mean copying out the logos. And when I say we, I mean I drew them and he coloured them in. I'm a good copier, apparently. MONEY Football £10 and lunch £2.50; lunch £10 for me; face and eye creams £10 (well it could've been £60! Read on) HEALTH AND FITNESS I cycled over 10 miles again and apparently that's about 700 calories! TODAY'S HIGHLIGHT Glynn bought me a pamper voucher for Riva 6 which I used today for a massage and facial with a glass of bubbly. It was pure bliss, and very decadent to have bubbles at just gone midday! I nearly bought the £60 set but resisted thinking I'll get something different from Souths...

Half-term Day 2 - Football as usual

What do we usually do in half-terms? Yes of course, play football. It's with SSA, who he plays for, and at £10 a day from 10-3, it's very good value. Add a packed lunch too to save more money. For my money saving effort, but mostly purposeful exercise, we cycled up to Goals and then I rode back into Southsea along the sea front, pausing for a quick gaze at the sea, feeling the heat through my black jeans, before meeting my old friend for lunch in Capers. Time went on, we nattered, I bought lunch, she left to start work. I cycled back the same way to pick Ben up. At home, we spent the rest of the afternoon eating pancakes and drawing Skylanders! MONEY Total spend today: £10 for football; £16 for lunch for two (using up 3 free drinks on my loyalty card saving approx £4) HEALTH AND FITNESS I cycled well over 10 miles today, which is unbelievable really, if I hadn't seen it on Map My Run. TODAY'S HIGHLIGHT Nattering with my friend, whom I hadn't seen for a year....

Half-term Day 1 - A little taste of independence

MONEY  Total spend today: £4.75 on Ben's swimming; £1 spectating; £2 cup of tea; parking refunded; £3 half of holiday money for Ben spent on Skylanders cards. Total: £10.75 Planned spend rest of week: 3 x football @ £10/day; possible cinema. HEALTH AND FITNESS  After my normal run yesterday, I walked and ran today to pick up the car. Planned exercise for rest of week: 2 x runs; Wii Fit; stair walking. TODAY'S HIGHLIGHT  As it was rainy, we decided swimming was the order of the day but with a twist. We let the boys in on their own! They were all very sensible, stayed in 2s or the whole group (of 4). Managed to organise lockers and everything!