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Showing posts from March, 2012

Feeling inadequate?

So parenting guides set too high standards and result in mums feeling inadequate? I can agree with that. What makes me laugh is that the Daily Mail reported it! Where else would a mum read daily conflicting "advice" and be persecuted for staying at home. Sorry, no I mean going to work. Wasting your education. Oh dear I'm confused, what's the bad this week? My advice - I have none! I am an expert on MY child (and still struggle with that) not yours.

Did I waste my education staying at home? Not on your nelly

God I've read some crap this morning. Admittedly it was on the Daily Mail website, so it's my own fault. But - know thine enemy ... I was reading about some dumb arse suggestion that educated British women are throwing away their top degrees in favour of child-rearing. Firstly I do not have a top degree, I have a 2:1 but not even from a red brick. But my career pinnacled at the dizzy heights of marketing manager before I, tut tut, took a year off to raise Elf. I then went back 3 days a week and rose to better oxygenated levels of data manager. I am now being made redundant and am at last following my dream to work in the classroom. I don't think I have the energy or funds to do teacher training, that might be far into the future, I actually am applying for teaching assistant jobs. I have been volunteering for 18 months and I know exactly what I'm letting myself in for. - I can't wait. How dare someone think I'm throwing away a degree to have a child and then sta...

St Clare's The First Year

When I was a girl, I used to read voraciously. I burned my duvet because I had my light on underneath it. Even now I read every night. I can't go to sleep unless I've relaxed, by reading. If I'm tipsy, I still read; I just have to re-read it the next night. I love buying books for children as presents. You can have too many toys, but you can never  have too many books.  Elf is off to a girl's party tomorrow from his class and as I don't know her very well, I tried to find a book that would suit her. I know she's girly and very good at reading. I found this... St Clare's - The First Year by Enid Blyton. I am unashamed in my love of all books by Enid Blyton. The Famous Five, Five Find Outers, Secret Seven, Adventurous Four, Mr Pink Whistle, Pat and Isabel the twins in St Clares (remember the two Mam'zelles?), Darrell in Malory Towers (with the glint in her eye), The Wishing Chair, The Faraway Tree (Silky and Moonface!), Naughty Amelia Jane ... and...

Time to start swotting ...

Update on "Help my wish came true"

Yes so I am now scaring myself because my dream is within my grasp. (The two jobs at the school I've been volunteering at.) What if I don't say the right thing at the interview? What if I completely mess up? What if there are people more qualified and/or experienced than me? (Well of course there probably are going to be.)