I'm a little late with this one this month. We've been all over the place metaphorically speaking, well and physically as well. My mother in law passed away and we all had quite a difficult month or so, what with nipping down to visit plus feeling guilty that we were all up here. Anyway there were some nice moments. Master Humdrum and I stayed in a local hotel and spent two nights together on our own. We managed to have fun despite it being a really sad time. We watched a whole (rather inappropriate but what the heck) series on Netflix, plus reviewed the whole range of fast food eateries in the area. It was, in fact, quality time spent together which we rarely get these days. And I know his grandma would've liked that very much.
We Humdrums love our live music. We've decided, as it's our 25th year together, to attend 25 music gigs. This is number 5 so far. (For our own benefit as much as yours: 1 Shiiine Weekend, 2 Don Letts DJ set, 3 Fantastic Fug Band, 4 Barbudo EP launch). My review is here but in short, an energetic post-punk/ragga/reggae/dance hall fusion with lots of love!
There are two mentions of games here. This one is Killer Ludo. When we're with my parents, we always try to get in a game of Ludo. It's basically one of the only games my dad will play. He cheats like crazy, gets away with it more than we realise I fear and tries to invent new rules each time. We usually play for money and argue about how we are supposed to get our counters "home". Master Humdrum has started to try to cheat, but so far isn't as successful as his grandad. Let's be clear, there are no friends according to my dad in Ludo. He will take anyone off, even his beloved grandson. Master Humdrum will gang up on us with his nana to get what he wants, until that means beytraying his nana! It's always fun.
Spring equals renewal and rebirth right? I decided to tidy up my wardrobe. I didn't dare post the before picture; you couldn't see the floor and the top and bottom sections overspilled every time you opened the door. I have filled three bags for charity and I feel much better on so many levels.