We had 38 guests, groups of friends, school mums, NCT mums, uni friends, nursery parents, work friends ... Everyone there had a reason for being invited, whether it was for curing my headaches with their acupuncture, being the first mum in the playground to talk to me, or just ... well being a friend!
Some notes on the party:-
- One person had a tactical barf in the alleyway (Mr Humdrum)
- One person barfed upstairs and passed out
- One husband disappeared with keys
- One camera broken
- One bottle of Black Sambuca necked in very short time, but not by one person
- One bottle of Tequila nearly finished
- Two people bruised and battered with cut arms
- One person got a black eye after a drunken rummage at home, then threw up
- Smoking and snogging behind the bike sheds
- Tea and coffee served at 3am
- Music stopped at 3.45am
- Last guests left at 4am
I woke at 8am after our mystery guest, who appeared in our spare room at 3am, left to do a drunken walk of shame home. I was rather ill later on, followed by a long spell in bed aided by Syndol tablets, and reemerged at 8pm to eat choccies and watch Dr Who.
I had some lovely presents, including a gorgeous engraved compact from my school mum friends, star jewellery set from my NCT friends, pendant, recipe box, a Buddha, Guilty Pleasures CD, champers, flowers, plant, chocolates...
Thank you to all who celebrated with me. i had an absolute ball even if I was suffering like anything the next day.
Til the 50th then?