Thanks to London City Mum who tagged me for my first meme ever. I am a bit nervous doing it, is there a rule that you don't do memes on a Wednesday as it's a wordless day or something? Anyway I'll just muddle along...
The instructions:
1. Open the first (oldest) photo folder in your computer library
2. Scroll to the 10th photo
3. Post the photo and the story behind it
4. Tag 5 or more people to continue the thread.

The instructions:
1. Open the first (oldest) photo folder in your computer library
2. Scroll to the 10th photo
3. Post the photo and the story behind it
4. Tag 5 or more people to continue the thread.
Here is my little(r) Elf aged two and a bit, two years ago. He is having his lunch in our dining room. Do I spy an Easter card behind him?
I must firstly admit that this isn't the tenth photo, but the 11th. The correct one was unsuitable for this posting; my friend Hannah (a still superfit ex fire fighter) was breastfeeding her second daughter whilst we were having lunch in a cafe. I'm sure she wouldn't mind the photo showing her feeding, but in it she's got a tiny (and I mean TINY) bit of tummy hanging over her jeans! She'd be mortified! I, on the other hand, am just jealous.
So back to the picture. Elf likes to deconstruct his sandwiches. Here he is tucking into egg mayonnaise, deconstructed. Half the time I give him just bread and butter and he's happy. Sometimes he even thinks that thickly-spread butter is cheese! Poor Elf.
It took him ages to get used to eating sandwiches. While friends' children were happily tucking into bread-based lunches (even peach jam ones, you know who you are), Elf would turn up his button nose at them. I travelled laden with tinned ravioli. (Ooo tinned food, that's another one for my future post of Things I Though My Child Will Never Do/Eat/Watch etc".)
Thank you LCM for tagging me and I hope you readers enjoyed my story. Now I am tagging you guys:
And I'm worrying that I've not checked back and cross-referenced enough - what if you guys have already been tagged?
Thanks for the tag! I look forward to looking back through my old pics to share. FP doesn't get the idea of sandwiches either - she'd far rather have the components separately.
ReplyDeleteThanks too for the tag!! Love your one... what an angel face... not sure what on earth is in my old pics. Nothing like yours, I suspect! xx
ReplyDeleteExciting my first tag!! Thank you! Its a good excuse to spend time looking at some old pics and resurecting some memories!!!
ReplyDeleteMy son only told me today that the sandwiches I make him for school everyday he pulls apart to eat! x
Thanks for the tag, I think. May have to adapt the rules as that pic was of, well actually obscenity laws prohibit me from telling you.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome and love the pic. Think our kids share a similar gene as they tend to deconstruct sandwiches as well.
ReplyDeleteLCM x
Thank you! I haven't done this one so I'll give it a go. Although having just got a new laptop, there are very few photos saved on it, but I'll do my best.
ReplyDeleteRR - Picnics are a fav in our house, and therefore sarnies can be deconstructed for these occasions.
ReplyDeleteLWM - The trouble with a baby face is people are shocked when they see him acting like a normal "naughty" boy!
GJ - OK find the first non-obscene one!!!
LCM - Do you think eating sarnies in their whole is more rare then?
WM - That was the problem with my pic, no really old ones cos they are on our hard drive!
I just realised I'd thought you lot hadn't got my tag - so I message you, but you had as you'd left comments here. Doh. HM x
There you go, all done
Hope it passes muster.