On Friday, I was at a spa day with my best friend and Mr Humdrum took Elf to the pub to meet up with the gang. We meet our old nursery group every Friday for Beer O'Clock.
I met them there, and found that the evening's activity was to write a letter to Santa. (They used to play outside but it is rather cold now so we take entertainment as they are too young for the pool table.)
Elf's letter said:Meriy Chrismas HO HO HO
To Santer meriy Chrismas luf "Elf".
I woold lick wich docter thanck you from "Elf".
Witch Doctor is from Lego Hero Factory - click here to see him.
Anyway I digress. E is for Eavesdropping. As Nana has already got Witch Doctor for him, and he's only put one toy on the list (so polite), how do we explain that Nana has it for him instead of Santa? If we let him think Santa has it, he will think Nana has nothing for him. I suggested in the kitchen this morning to Mr Humdrum that we say that Santa had already bought something else, say a Megazord, then Nana had to get him what he'd asked for. OK we both agreed.
Then from round the corner came "I heard that." Oh dear. We didn't expect that!
I met them there, and found that the evening's activity was to write a letter to Santa. (They used to play outside but it is rather cold now so we take entertainment as they are too young for the pool table.)
Elf's letter said:Meriy Chrismas HO HO HO
To Santer meriy Chrismas luf "Elf".
I woold lick wich docter thanck you from "Elf".
Witch Doctor is from Lego Hero Factory - click here to see him.
Anyway I digress. E is for Eavesdropping. As Nana has already got Witch Doctor for him, and he's only put one toy on the list (so polite), how do we explain that Nana has it for him instead of Santa? If we let him think Santa has it, he will think Nana has nothing for him. I suggested in the kitchen this morning to Mr Humdrum that we say that Santa had already bought something else, say a Megazord, then Nana had to get him what he'd asked for. OK we both agreed.
Then from round the corner came "I heard that." Oh dear. We didn't expect that!