Which is good. I am amazed at how many parents say "Oh so and so has never been away from us". I have even thought in the past "Are we bad parents?" No! I work term time and whilst it's lovely to not have to worry about childcare in the holidays, I don't ever get any time on my own. Save for the one week a year when Grandma and Grandpa whisk him away to Devon. Then I get time to spend doing exactly what I want (like falling off a bench or deciding to stop blogging and use my Facebook page, hang on haven't I just done that again?). So this year I'm extremely lucky because I get that Devon week (after Bank Holiday) and the next four days!
Friends are about to
Ben's mate J said to his mum "I'm so excited about going to camp. Two days not under your control!" And he thought he was the winner. No J, we are the winners. I'll report back how the evenings out went.
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