This was a walk routed out by Mr Humdrum on his phone, not really taking into account that walking on sludge and in snow is like walking on sand, not that easy, thus affecting the time it took! However it was a great walk, with deer, country fields, posh houses with tennis courts, disused railway lines (of course now I've got Still Ill by The Smiths in my head) and of course, lots of snow. Master Humdrum did wear the wrong shoes and had wet feet for the majority of the journey!

We set off in a southerly direction at Wickham at the station car park, crossed over the A32, walked up quite a few country lanes, including hills, which we in Portsmouth are not used to! We traversed a few fields and crossed back over the A32 again, up to Hundred Acre Wood, where we stopped for a quick snack (a Tunnocks snowball no less) and down through to the Wickham station car park again, via a lovely pub lunch at
The Roebuck.

Admittedly we were a little stiff and cold after the pub lunch, and this is when it decided to rain. A total of 6.2 miles, not bad in four hours, including lunch.
Master Humdrum skated down one of the drives in Hundred Acre Woods and built the world's worst snowman with his dad. He has also worked out how to make yellow snow!